Las Vegas, Nevada

Las Vegas is one of our favorite get-aways in the States. It’s the perfect trip for a weekend escape from reality. When you just need those couple days to have some fun and relieve some stress. It’s dubbed “sin city” for obvious reasons but you don’t have to indulge in it if that’s not your style. Vegas can be for everyone. You just have to know how to navigate! If you don’t want to blow a bunch of money gambling then make sure you budget yourself and limit your alcohol intake at the casino but while you’re out on the strip live it up and party Las Vegas style! There are plenty of hidden treasures that will amaze you along the way.

1. First Friday

Some of you may not be aware of this but the first Friday of every month in downtown Las Vegas turns into a gigantic art celebration! Yes, the party pretty much never stops on the strip regardless but this special event only comes once a month! It is such a good time and it adds something special to your trip. Don’t forget to take tons of pictures!

2. Fremont Street

When we come to Vegas we always stay on the old strip. It’s a lot cheaper and Fremont Street is almost always poppin’. I can guarantee you will not find yourself bored. Once the skies get dark, Fremont street comes alive! You can even go zip lining !

3. Container Park

In my opinion, this is one of the coolest parts of downtown Las Vegas. Container park is assembled using – you guessed it!- shipping containers!! There are dozens of unique stores, bars and even places to grab a quick bite to eat! We love wandering around and discovering what each place has to offer.

4. La Comida

This is our favorite spot for Mexican food in Vegas. It’s even better than most of the places we have in AZ! I cannot wait to quench my sober with one of their delectable margaritas and to eat my weight in the mouth watering chip and salsa! You can order anything on the menu and you will not be disappointed. The atmosphere is wonderful, everyone is cheerful and kind, and the food is out of this world. What’s not to love?

5. Pizza Rock

Yes, Pizza Rock is a little on the pricey side BUT you should have at least one meal where you completely indulge and this should be it. Is it really a vacation if you don’t splurge at least once?! During the evenings on the weekend it will usually be about an hour wait so I would recommend either going around lunch time or after 9 pm. Eating Pizza Rock when you have the drunk munchies is heaven in your mouth!

6. Vegenation

I adore this cute little vegan spot. If I drink too much the night before I usually crave a healthy breakfast accompanied with fresh juice. This place is perfect when you’re hungover and its perfect when you aren’t. You cant go wrong with Vegenation. When I’m on vacation I don’t like to eat a lot of food with no nutritional value. It makes me feel worse and it slows me down. This restaurant is a life saver! Michael is the farthest thing from vegan and even he enjoys it! That’s really saying something!

7. Las Vegas Sign

Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada!! Most of us have heard or seen pictures of this sign. Now you have the chance to capture your own shot! When we went there was a line but you only have to stand in it if you actually want to be in the picture. I simply stepped to the side and captured a bunch of photos of it because I didn’t mind not being in them. I just loved the sign and the experience! To avoid the lines I’d recommend coming pretty early in the morning.

8. Sambalatte

Home of the colorful rainbow latte! They put a splash of brightness in your cup and not only does it look rad, it tastes incredible as well. We had to come back twice before our trip was over to silence of craving for the perfect cup. Definitely worth the extra stop!!

9. Seven Magic Mountains

This marvelous art work opened to the public in May, 2016. It will only be on display for 2 years. You must make the trip to see the seven magic mountains before they disappear! I really enjoyed spending my time there and snapping all kinds of gorgeous photos. The weather was perfect when we went because it was still February. If you end up going in the summer you should wear sunscreen and sun glasses because it is in the desert and the winds will kick up dust. It’s only about a 25 minute drive from downtown Las Vegas. It is worth the drive!!

10. High Roller

Okay, the High Roller isn’t located downtown BUT I had to add it in here because it’s 100% awesome. The cab ride is a short one and it is well worth it. This gigantic Ferris wheel is built with pods that can fit about 40 people. You have the option to go on the ride with or without alcohol. Its only a few bucks more to add the alcohol cart and its all you can consume for the whole ride. It take 30 minutes to go all the way around and once you get to the highest point it stops for a few so you can get some great pictures. It was a wonderful experience so I had to put in a good word for it!

Have Fun, Party Safe!!

I hope you thoroughly enjoy your trip to Las Vegas! I am sure you will love the food just as much as we do. Some other great suggestions for nourishment are Evel Pie, Eat, and Egg Slut. If you know of anything I might have missed please comment about it! We are always excited to hear about something new, fun and fascinating! Have an awesome weekend in Las Vegas and thank you SO much for reading!!