Amsterdam, Netherlands

When you think “anything goes”, Amsterdam may be one of the places that pops into your mind. You can roam the streets, free of judgement and watchful eyes. You can experience things here that you cannot do in many other places of the world. Everyone should take a trip to Amsterdam and open up the mind to the unique beauty this place has to offer. Of course there are some things that aren’t for everyone and that is perfectly fine but just remember…when is the next time you will find yourself in the Netherlands?

Check Out a Coffee Shop


Amsterdam happens to be saturated with “Coffee Shops”, so you’re left with one question- which one should I choose? We asked around a bit and ended up choosing a pretty famous one by the name of Dampkring, which was featured in the movie Oceans 12. It is small and dimly lit with a copious amount of goodies to decide between. Anywhere from space cakes to flower, you can pick which ever you prefer and be on your merry way. It is a neat experience and they have some pretty awesome milkshakes. If you want to check out multiple coffee shops, I would suggest asking the locals because they always know best.



These delightful dutch treats are a must have during your stay in Amsterdam. It is a very thin cookie with two wafers as the base and they are combined with a sticky caramel syrup. They are phenomenal. The word Stroopwafel literally translates to “Syrup Waffle” and you can get your paws on them at pretty much any bakery in town.

Van Stapele Koekmakerij


Speaking of delectable desserts, this little bakery is on the top of my list! This place churns out one thing, and one thing only- a gooey chocolate cookie with a pool of white chocolate filling that oozes from the center after you sink your teeth into that first bite. The entire cookie coats your tastes buds in a swirl of melted, white chocolate euphoria. This bakery usually has a line out the door so make sure you stock up when you go! I personally could eat 12 of these and have no regrets. I can promise you will never forget this mouthwatering treat.

Red Light District


We’ve all heard of the famous Red Light District of Amsterdam. You will find the pathway suffocating underneath 18 year old boys, marveling at the girls in the windows. We went to check it out because we abide by the rule “When in Amsterdam”. It was a riveting experience and we had a good time walking down the block and checking out some of the shops near the district. I know this may go without saying but you CANNOT take photos of the women in the windows. It is illegal and if they catch you doing so, they will become extremely upset and the last thing you want is a black mark on your perfect adventure to Amsterdam. So if you do decide to go to the Red Light District please remain respectful. Enjoy your experience as if you were one of the bobble-headed teenage boys.

IAmsterdam Sign


As we were heading back to catch a plane to our next destination I noticed that there was an ‘I Amsterdam’ sign at the airport. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough time to stop to take a decent photo with it. There is another sign located in the city behind the Rijksmuseum and every time we went it was packed solid. I definitely recommend taking a photo of the one at the airport because it is far less crowded. It is a lovely piece of art and it makes for an awesome photo if you manage to climb through one of the letters before everyone else beats you to it!

Ride Bikes


You will notice that an abundance of the people in Amsterdam get from point A to B on a bicycle. It is a wonderful way to see the city and it is by far the most wallet friendly. Get a little exercise in and close your eyes while you feel the cool breeze on your skin. Get lost in the moment. Relish in the fact you are in Amsterdam on a freakin bicycle! It is even more mesmerizing if you wait until the sun sinks low and take it out for a spin. Riding up and down the lit canals with a huge grin plastered on your face.

Windmill Bar


Located under the fans of Amsterdams De Gooyer windmill is one of the towns best microbreweries- Brouwerij ‘t IJ (IJ Brewery). The locals enjoy grabbing a fresh, frosty brew from here because it is far less mainstream than some of the bigger names such as Heineken. That of course isn’t the only reason people gather here. The beer is excellent and the location is stunning.

Mannekin Pis


You cannot leave Amsterdam without trying these yummy potatoes- specifically from Mannekin Pis. You will cram yourself in with the rest of the crown and slowly shuffle to the front where you are granted the choice of which toppings to smother your potatoes in. They fork them over to you in an adult sized purple, paper cone and then the fun begins. You will feel like a kid again, filled with glee and you pluck the fries from the cheesy mess and pop them in your mouth while you continue to wander down the streets of Amsterdam. Your belly warm and full of this delicious comfort food.




This little store is located next to Mannekin Pis and we found it completely by accident. What intrigued us to go in is that it contains the most amazing merchandise. They have Ninja Turtles galore! Mario madness everywhere! All sorts of Nintendo goodies stashed in this one tiny store. If you have any family members back home that go nuts for this stuff, this is the perfect place to grab them a gift. P.S. I was sooo close to purchasing that bathing suit!


We did not get the chance to visit the Van Gogh Museum which was disappointing because it sounded incredible. We arrived too late and the wait was around 3 hours to get in. Since we were limited on time we decided to explore and find some other things to do around town. We suggest you arrive extremely early and purchase your tickets online. There are also plenty of other museums in Amsterdam and of course the Anne Frank House which is filled with the heartbreaking history of this young, inspiring girl who fought so hard for her life.

Thanks a million for taking the time to read my post! We hope you enjoy your time here as much as we did!