I am going to start off by saying that there truly is no other place like the Land of Fire & Ice. There is so much to experience here and lets not forget the stunning surroundings. Driving down the road you will see snow which turns to bright green moss then evolves into tiny, baby blue pools of water. Ice glaciers and a black sand beach. After you read this guide, Iceland will be a prominent member on the top of your bucket list.


Rent a Car

To experience Iceland at it’s full potential you must rent a car. Please keep in mind that the weather in Iceland can change drastically in ten minute intervals. It could be raining one minute and shining brightly with warmth the next. Driving in Iceland is no difficult task but it should be done so with that fact in your mind so you know what to expect. I enjoy going off on my own instead of joining a tour bus because I can take my time and pull over on the side of the road to take a couple snap shots of the scenery. Plus, you can drive wherever you want when you have a rental and you don’t have to wait for people to shuffle on and off the tour bus. Before I continue I do have to mention that Iceland is very expensive. We read a little bit about this before we left but we didn’t think much of it since the American dollar was stronger than the Icelandic Kronur. Man, did we have a rude awakening. Do not let this factor detour you from this stunning place. I just want you to be more prepared than we were so you can do as much as you want without money being an issue because this place is filled to the brim with unforgettable adventures.

So, getting back to renting a vehicle we suggest that you do so right from the airport and keep it during your entire stay. Reykjavik is about an hour away from the airport so the cab ride is extremely pricey. If you rent the car as soon as you arrive you won’t have any worries on how to get to and from the airport and how to get around the island. This is the most convenient and wallet friendly way to rent a vehicle. If you’d rather wait to rent a car in Reykjavik and you aren’t keen on cabs, there is a bus that takes you into town but then you have to be crammed with a bunch of people and drag your luggage around after your tiring flight. However, if you do wait until you get into town, ‘Cars Iceland’ came up as the best rental place but they run out of vehicles quickly, are not the cheapest, and you would have to take a cab back to the airport at the end of your trip which is about 100 U.S.D.

Time to Explore

Once you’re all settled in, unpacked, and ready to go on an adventure the euphoric feeling of overwhelming excitement begins to engulf you. The first question you ask yourself is where to begin. Here is a list of the things incredible Iceland has to offer:



  • Visit Icelandic Horses
Once you drive out of Reykjavik, you’ll begin to notice these small, fluffy animals on the side of the road. They are the wild horses of Iceland and they happen to love people! You can pull your car over to the side, jump out, and these sweet little horses will come right up to you! This was one of my favorite things about Iceland! My boyfriend had to rip me away from these babies so we could continue on our journey.
  • Black Sand Beach, Vik

I was over the moon when I discovered that Iceland is home to a black sand beach! However, the beach is located in Vik, Iceland which is about a 2.5 hour drive from Reykjavik but it is so worth the journey. The drive will be anything but dull since every route consists of gorgeous pieces of land that inhabit the sides of the asphalt. Plus, you’ll get to see the sweet little horses that I mentioned above. Once you get to the beach it is nice to sit on the dark rocks and take in your other wordly surroundings. This is a must do in Iceland but beware- swimming is very dangerous!


  • Sun Voyager (Solfar)

You don’t have to travel far to enjoy this ode to the sun.  If you’re staying in Reykjavik near the city center, this piece of art is roughly a 10 to 15 minute walk and it’s located along the edge of the sea. If you go at sunset you are in for a real treat. The artist designed this majestic piece as a “dream boat” or to represent a “dream of hope” for Iceland. It is one of Reykjavik’s most prized masterpieces.

  • Golden Circle

The Golden Circle is composed of Gullfoss Waterfall- one of the most incredible waterfalls you will ever see in your life, Geysirs (Geysers) of Haukadalur, and Thingvellir National Park. Driving the Golden Circle is one brilliant day trip that you cannot miss during your stay in Iceland. It takes about 3.5 hours to drive but it will end up taking longer because there is no way to fight the urge to pull your rental over and capture as many snap shots as you can of those three wonders of the world that I mentioned above along with the ever changing land around you. I got some of my favorite pictures while driving the Golden Circle.


Gullfoss Waterfall, or the Golden Falls, is the most well known waterfall in Iceland. It roars down multiple platforms which resemble a staircase making it appear like it never ends. If the sun is shining you be able to gaze upon some of the most incredible rainbows which will make your heart jump with comfort and warmth.



The Haukadalur Geothermal Area is home to very famous Geysers which build up pressure and erupt sending thermal water skyrocketing into the air accompanied by a cloud of steam which gives the entire area an eerie yet fascinating energy. The word Geysir originated in Iceland and is how the word “Geyser” came about in the English language to date. Every 8-10 minutes Geysir “Strokkur” bursts with such force the heated water reaches a height of 100 ft. in the air. Just across the road there is an enormous gift shop/cafeteria which sells phenomenal blueberry gelato. Even though it was cold outside we could not pass on this delectable frozen treat. Grab a snack and hop back in the car to continue on to your next destination!

Thingvellir National Park is the last stop on this extraordinary route. Dating back to 930 AD, the residents would gather here to discuss important public matters + laws which involved the citizens of this country. The Icelandic Parliament or “Althing” remained there until 1798. It was dubbed with the title “national park” due to legislation passed in 1928 to preserve what’s left of this historic Icelandic treasure. It is one of the most mysterious, outstanding, and popular attractions in Iceland to this day.

NOTE: Even though we switched our phone plans to international travel we still had a difficult time getting a signal in Iceland. To find out which direction to go to get to certain destinations on the island we downloaded a free app called “here” which requires no internet access to use! It helped us out immensely. It was a life saver!



  • The Blue Lagoon

If you have ever heard anything about Iceland then I am almost 100 percent positive you have heard about the blue lagoon. It is the most well known attraction in this brilliant country and even though it can be over saturated with people at times, it is well worth the visit. They offer multiple packages varying different prices ranges. If you just barely want to graze the surface and dip your toes in the water then the standard fee is around 50 Euros. Although, I am a huge advocate for “go big or go home”..I mean, when is the next time you’ll find yourself in Iceland? (This is also why it is extremely important to come financially prepared.) We purchased the premium package for around 80 euros and we didn’t regret a single cent. It included a mud mask which whips your skin back into excellent condition, a towel, a complimentary drink of your choice, a second mask (algae), a bathrobe and slippers, AND a reserved table at LAVA with sparkling wine. The food was to die for. The overall experience will stick with us for the rest of our lives! When in Iceland, TREAT YOURSELF!

  • The Northern Lights
We were so heartbroken that we did not get to experience the Aurora Borealis with our own eyes. Capturing this moment with our cameras and having it permanently embedded into our minds was amongst the top of our list. Every single night we spent in Iceland the skies were too foggy for this magnificent sight to shine through. To us, it would have been like spotting a unicorn. So, we hope you have much better luck than us and make sure to set your alarms for midnight and check the weather updates because these gorgeous colors like to show themselves in the dead of the night!
  • Penis Museum

Reykjavik is home to the ONE and ONLY….PENIS MUSEUM!! It is something goofy to do to pass the time and I mean, why not? It’s the only one in the world and it never hurts anybody to be a little open minded every now and again. It’s a small fee to enter and it’s filled with hilarious merchandise. I couldn’t leave without a souvenir and I will tell you first hand that the little immature child that is buried deep inside my soul had an absolute blast. If it’s just not your thing that’s fine but if you’re looking for a unique and funny experience you have to check it out!


  • Hike Behind a Waterfall

We stumbled upon this little detour by accident and it turned out to be one of our favorite experiences during our stay. On our journey to Vik (to the black sand beach) we were cruising along minding our own business until we noticed a cluster of vehicles parked in the distance in front of an enormous waterfall. Our inner adventure junkie would never let us pass this up so of course curiosity took hold and we drove over to see what all of the fuss was about. This stunning waterfall actually had a path behind it for travelers to trek and get some amazing snap shots. I am a sucker for a breathtaking trail that leads me to incredible opportunities to capture moments with my camera. So, thank you Iceland for supplying me with my fix. If you do take the trip to Vik, this waterfall will be on the left hand side about an hour outside of Reykjavik so keep your eyes peeled!


  • Hallgrimskirkja Church
This fascinating landmark was actually sculpted in such a unique manor because the architect was infatuated by the shapes that lava makes when it cools and hardens. This church is a Lutheran parish church located in Reykjavik and can be spotted from practically anywhere in the capital. It is largest church in Iceland and it took approximately 41 years to assemble. (1945-1986) Hallgrimskirkja is a sight that must be enjoyed and appreciated with your own two eyes. Take plenty of pictures- it shouldn’t prove difficult to nab a good one since this beauty is extremely photogenic.
  • Street Art

The street art in Reykjavik is unreal. The talent that these artists possess left me in a state of awe. You will find yourself getting lost in the heart of town while your eyes dance along the walls that are filled with unique objects and colorful creatures. Snap as many photos as you can because you will never see the same masterpiece twice.


Now it is time to move onto the food + booze portion of our trip. Keep in mind that all restaurants are a little on the pricey side but it is nearly impossible to find a bad meal in Iceland so it won’t go to waste. Plus, they have some things on their menu that may sound a little strange but if you can stomach them you should definitely give it a try while you’re here.


  • Sakebarinn – Laugavegur 2, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland

With confidence I can say that to this day this place had some of the best sushi I’ve ever consumed. The fish was so fresh it would just melt right in your mouth. Aside from sushi, they also provide grilled sticks with minke whale, monkfish & lobster, Reindeer, and horse fillet. We were only brave enough to try the minke whale and it ended up being quite tasty. You will enjoy the interior of this little restaurant and it’s upstairs so if you grab a window seat you’ll get a pretty nice view to pair with your meal.



  • The Sea Baron (Saegreifinn) – Tryggvagata, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland

You may have already heard of this little quaint restaurant because it is rumored to have Iceland’s best famous lobster soup. You cannot leave until you have tried a bowl of lobster soup. It is one of the unwritten rules of Reykjavik. This place is usually quite crowded due to its reputation and the soup is DELICIOUS but they sort of skimp on the lobster. So, we purchased a scallop and vegetable skewer to go along with our bowls. This completed the meal because we just took the juicy veggies and plump pieces of meat and plopped them right into our soup. It was worth the wait and we are proud to say we got to experience the “best famous lobster soup if Iceland”.


  • Baejarins Beztu Pylsur (Towns Best Sausages)– Tryggvatagata 1, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland

Another thing that you may have heard about Iceland is that they have extremely tasty hotdogs. What sets them apart from the rest of the dogs in the world is that they contain a certain ingredient- lamb. This gives them a great taste and texture and best of all it is probably the cheapest meal you’ll get during your stay! I’m not usually big on foods like hotdogs and hamburgers but I figured I may as well try it since they come so highly recommended and I didn’t regret it. My boyfriend still talks about his cravings for those mysterious, delectable dogs.



  • Lebowski Bar

This is hands down one of the coolest bars I have ever been in. It is themed after The Big Lebowski and serves around 20 different concoctions of white Russians. They play old school films and late at night it turns into a dance club. They also provide a wonderful happy hour deal- 2 beers for about 9 USD. We popped into this bar nearly every day during our visit. I wish it wasn’t so far away from home!


  • Te & Kaffi Laugavegur 27, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland

I loved this little coffee shop! Iceland is really big on the coffee scene and there are plenty of yummy coffee shops lined up and down the streets of Reykjavik but this one was my favorite. I’m a sucker for a good chai tea latte and this cute little shop delivered. They also offer plenty of goodies to snack on. Enjoy a cup of coffee with the locals while you’re there!


  • Svarta Kaffid – Laugavegur 54, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland

Who doesn’t love warm soup on a cold evening stuffed into a freshly baked bowl of bread? This cozy spot offers the best of the best when it comes to bread bowls and you get a generous portion as well! It is located upstairs so you get to look down on the buzzing town and sip a delicious beer. This was another one of my favorite places that we dined at and we hope you enjoy it as well!


BONUS: Iceland serves up a certain liquor that you can only obtain during your trip in this country. It is called Opal. I’m not going to give the flavor away because I believe everyone should try it and find out for themselves. But I will tell you that it’s…different. Don’t forget to take this liquor for a taste test while you’re here!


I hope this will help give you an idea of what to expect while in Iceland! Thank you so much for reading! Enjoy your trip & stay safe!